You must be of a legal age and produce a valid provisional driving licence. Category B.
 For motorway lessons a full driving licence must be produced.
 You must notify the DVLA and your instructor of any change to your health or eyesight.
 You must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs during lessons. In the event of signs of abuse the lesson will be terminated and full payment required.
 Please do not drink alcohol at least 24 hours before a lesson.
 Any personal information will be used by your instructor only and will not be sold to a 3rd party.
Cancellation policy.
 If a different lesson length is required the same policy as above applies. (Some lesson length change requests may be denied by your instructor.)
 No credit will be given, payment must be paid on the lesson or in advance.
 If your instructor arrives at a pre arranged pick up point and you do not show, they will wait 10 mins, if
no contact is made by yourselves they will leave. The full lesson price will be charged. This must be
paid the same day by bank transfer. For those who pre pay lessons this will be take off your balance.
 Pupils who cancel on a regular basis will loose their lesson space.
 Your instructor will endeavour to arrive on time. However due to unforeseen circumstances such as
traffic, breakdowns etc, lesson times may have to be changed or cancelled. You will not be charged for
the lesson if cancelled.
 If you arrive late, time will not be added on to the lesson but you will be charged the full price.
 If you need collecting or dropping off at a different location than agreed 24 Hours notice is required.
 Lessons must be paid either in advance of at the beginning of each lesson. By cash or bank transfer.
 No refunds on any prepaid lessons after the first lesson is taken.
 Credit will never be given.
 All prepaid lessons must be taken within 6 months of starting.
 Your instructor deserves to be treated with respect. No verbal or physical abuse will be tolerated. Your
training will cease if any is received and the police informed if required.
 Your instructor will try and give you weekly lessons, but due to various reasons this cannot be
 If you receive lessons in the same time every week this day and time may need to change in occasions.
 Standard lesson length is 90 min long. Other lesson lengths are only allowed at your instructors
 Driving lesson prices may increase yearly. ( usually between January and April. ) you will be given one months notice.
 No smoking allowed in the training car but a break can be given if required. This break will be included
in your lesson time.
 If you require a comfort break please ask, we will stop as soon as possible. Your instructor will only take a
comfort break if really required.
 Please turn mobile phones on silent.
 From 4/6/18 learners will be allowed to drive on Motorways if they are accompanied by a professional
driving instructor with duel controls. We offer this service at the current Motorway lesson price. This will only be offered at your instructors discretion and will be when he feels you are at test standard.
 Your instructor will advise when to book a test, and reserves the right to withdraw his services if he
thinks you are not test ready.
 Payment will be required on test day for the use of the car and your instructors time, usually a 2 hour
slot is required.
 No responsibility can be taken if your test is cancelled by the DVSA, you will still be required to pay
your instructor but this can be claimed back by yourselves in some circumstances.
 No guarantee can be given to you passing, but your instructor is a professional and will do his best to
get you to test standard. The examiner deserves the right to be treated with respect, so whatever your
test result no verbal or physical abuse will be tolerated. Your training will cease if any is given.
 In the unfortunate event that you fail a test please continue with lessons. Having a break and only a
few more lessons may result in multiple fails.